Partner Todd Simons Interview at Mobile Gaming Watch

Check out what Todd Simons has to say about where mobile is heading in the Casino Industry.  Below is a snippet of the interview:

MGW:   Given your vast gaming industry experience, what is the biggest contribution mobile has made to the casino industry so far?
Simons: Mobile technology has allowed the industry to change behavior through expedited touch points. Being able to communicate in real time, at the right time, with a customized offer that enhances the experience creates opportunities that were never possible prior to the acceptance of mobile technology. Today, we live in a world of convenience and the consumer is now demanding convenience more than ever.
MGW: How is Hidden Fruit contributing to the emergence of mobile as a dominant force in the casino space?
Simons:  One of our core competencies is in the CRM / Loyalty Marketing space. We have found that finding success with the delivery of any type of service or Loyalty Offer is directly correlated to making sure that the offer or service is driving the behavior. We can provide that insight and develop that strategy with our BI services.